Thailand (feat. Venecia)

It’s our last night in Siem Reap. Alice is on her third movie of the evening after having dinner by herself at the hotel, and I just got back from an evening exploring the town, where I finally satisfied the craving for piping hot, wok-charred street food that I’ve had ever since we left Chiang Mai.

Our time in Thailand was almost a shock after two months spent almost entirely away from cities. Finding tasty food once again became the goal that determined our daily schedule, and we remembered what it was like to be one of a hundred tourists shuffling through historical monuments and religious sites. The short time we spent in Thailand (the result of some haphazard last-minute planning) made me appreciate our extended time in Japan, and was a good reminder of how there isn’t any shortcut to absorbing the culture of a place.


Cambodia and Vietnam


Raja Ampat