Cambodia and Vietnam

It’s our first night in Hong Kong. We’ve finally booked the last trans-oceanic flight of our sabbatical—the one that will take us back to Chicago for Pam’s wedding at the end of next week—and for the first time, know where we’ll be sleeping each night until mid-March. We had considered possibilities for the next week as remote as learning to free-dive in Hawaii and skiing in Hokkaido, but the two most likely options were always to stay in Vietnam or come to Hong Kong. Alice felt like we hadn’t gotten much out of Hanoi and seemed to really want to give Vietnam a second shot in Danang, but from everything I was seeing, I thought there’d be almost no chance she would have a better time there. After less than twelve hours in Hong Kong, Grace told us that Alice’s sense of relief of not being in Vietnam anymore was palpable.

My guess is we’ll look back on our time in Cambodia and Vietnam, and Southeast Asia more broadly, with mixed feelings. Alice suffered more than I did, seemingly fighting some combination of stomach discomfort and a cold semi-continuously since we got to Thailand, at the same time that our destinations were less awe-inspiring than the ones from the first half of our trip, and our time away from home, friends, and family began to feel meaningfully long. We slowed down our pace a lot in our last few days in Hanoi, not entirely out of choice. Choosing to spend the next week here in Hong Kong—a comfortable, familiar-feeling place, where we won’t be expecting anything more once-in-a-lifetime than some great beef chow fun—feels more like an intentional move, and one that I think will help us get the most out of the remaining time we have on this trip.


Hong Kong


Thailand (feat. Venecia)