We’re staying the night on Miyajima Island off the coast of Hiroshima before we head to Kyushu in southern Japan. Most of the shops here close after sunset, once the last ferries take the day-trippers home, and so we have a free night to ourselves. Next week, I’ll spend a couple of hours preparing for and doing my first monthly work call. It’ll be the first time I seriously think about markets in about eight weeks, which feels like a good way to start slowly easing back into society.
We spent the past week in Japan’s Kansai region. Osaka and Kyoto, the two biggest cities, feel like they split Tokyo cleanly into its constituent parts. Osaka is pure neon, packed with street food and commotion; Kyoto, less than an hour away, felt like a different world among its shrines and temples and its quiet alleys. But in both cities, up unremarkable staircases and behind noren curtains, we found all sorts of unexpected, special moments.